Where Faith works through Love
FCF School of Biblical Studies
God's plan for the School of Biblical Studies began in the fall of 1984 when He spoke to
Dr. Gary Whetstone to open a Bible School that would train the Body to become effective ministers of God’s Word.
Faith and Compassion School of Biblical studies is an extention of GWWM school of Biblical Studies. Here at the branch school we offer the same courses that is offered at the main campus.
Classes Begin -
September 2014
Put your hands to the plow, and don't look back!
Courses Offered:
Time: ?
Enrollment is easy. Simply choose your course below,and fill out the appropriate enrollment form, and begin your first class session immediately.
These curriculum has been proven to be an effective tool for teaching the following vital subjects to dedicated Christians like you:
Faith - God's connection with mankind
Theology - The study of God and the power of His Spirit
New Testament - Jesus' life on earth and in today's church
Old Testament - The redemptive work of the Cross foretold
Practical Ministry - Victory in your personal life and effective ministry to others
Practics - Wisdom for successful living in today's world
TH 101 Your Liberty in Christ Dr. Gary V. Whetstone 2 Credits
Insecurity, inferiority, guilt, and fear have crippled the focus of the life of many believers--but Jesus sets us free! Experience liberty through the revelation of His Righteousness, and see His promises through a righteous conscience that will raise you to new heights of faith and experience.
F101 Foundations of Faith Dr. June Austin 2 Credits
Emphasis on what faith is and what faith is not, where our faith comes from, how it causes us to grow according to the Word of God, and how to apply the principles of faith in our everyday life. Revelation knowledge for the mature Christian as well as for the new Christian.
NT101 New Testament Survey I Dr. June Austin 2 Credits
PM101 Healing is for Today Dr. Gary Whetstone 2 Credits
PR102 How to Study the Bible Dr. June Austin 2 Credits
TH106 Today Hear His Voice Dr. Gary Whetstone 2 Credits
PM 102 Dynamic Family Dr. Gary Whetstone 2 Credits
TH107 Battle of the Bloodline Dr. Gary Whetstone 2 Credits
TH103 Spirit,Soul & Body Dr. Gary Whetstone 2 Credits
NT 102 New Testament Survey II Dr. June Austin 2 Credits
TH105 Blood Covenant Dr. June Austin 2 Credits
OT 101 Old Testament Survey I Dr. June Austin 2 Credits
A survey of the Gospels, with a concentrated biblical study of the life of the Lord Jesus Christ and practical applications of biblical principles for our day-to-day lives. In this course, you will gain a new knowledge of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, and learn how to walk in His ways.
When this course is completed, the student will know how to prove the Bible is true, why he should study the Bible, how to read the Bible, various study approaches to the Bible, and the tools required for successful Bible study. In addition, the student will have gained a knowledge of how the natural human mind works and how this can affect success or failure in all walks of life--including Bible study.
Jesus gave the Great Commission: Preach, Teach, and Heal! One-third of the believer’s responsibility is to heal the sick. Become equipped in the healing ministry of Jesus through this in-depth study of the theological and practical ministry of healing. This course is a must for every Christian
God is speaking to His church today! We have been inundated with many views and voices from the world, which have negatively affected our lives and the church of Jesus. This course will clearly show you how to align every area of your life so that it is built upon the foundation of Jesus Christ. You will experience His life and voice directing you and your function in the body of Christ.
In over 80% of all prayer requests, the greatest cause of abuse, alcoholism, depression, and general dysfunction is summed up in one misunderstood word, “family.” Discover God’s answers for fulfillment in single life, in marriage, and in child rearing. Complex issues that create many misconceptions are made simple throughout the truths contained in God’s Word. A must for both the married and the unmarried.
Learn what your bloodline is as a human being and as a child of God. Are you aware of all you inherited as a child of God when Jesus died on the cross and rose again? Discover why Satan is so determined to steal your inheritance and keep you living outside God’s purpose for your life. Your spirit will be quickened as God reveals, through these teachings, the fullness of your true identity in Christ Jesus.
Gain a clear understanding of the nature, operations, and positions of influence your spirit, soul, and body have in your life. Learn how to develop your human spirit and not be swayed by outside influences. You will be able to “harness” your mind and not live according to the body and its dictates.
The application of covenant principles in our daily life and an understanding of the Father and the Holy Spirit through the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. A detailed study of all the covenants that God has given to man for his profit. A must to understanding the promises in the New Testament.
A survey of the Gospels, with a concentrated biblical study of the life of the Lord Jesus Christ and practical applications of biblical principles for our day-to-day lives. In this course, you will gain a new knowledge of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, and learn how to walk in His ways.
This course will familiarize the student with the people and events of the Old Testament from creation to the return from captivity. Without a knowledge of the Old Testament, one cannot fully understand many of the wonderful promises in the New Testament. This very exciting course has opened the eyes of so many to God’s principles for today.
PM 103 Victory in Spiritual Warfare Dr. Gary Whetstone 3 Credits
Learn how to biblically stop the assault of Satan and his demons against your life, your family, the church, the nation, and the world. Find out how to identify, locate, and eradicate the works of the enemy, which was Jesus’ purpose in 1 John 3:8.
PR 103 Ministry of Serving Rev. Gif Wilson 1 Credit
This course is designed to show the establishment of the Ministry of Helps through its application to situations. Upon completion, students will understand what the Ministry of Helps is and why it is necessary.
TH 102 Holy Spirit Dr. Gary Whetstone 2 Credit
Develop a deeper, personal, intimate fellowship with the Holy Spirit. This course will explore in detail His personality, attributes, and spiritual gifts. Learn how to have true, constant, and ever-increasing communication with the Holy Spirit.
TH 102 God's Power w/ Legal Rights Dr. Gary Whetstone 1 Credit
Authority is the governing word in God’s Kingdom, in government, in business, in family, and in our personal life; yet, most of us do not understand how God intended its use. Through this course, you will learn how authority works with man’s conscience, with the Word, and with God Himself, and how to use authority effectively to bring His Kingdom into manifestation.