Piercing: Penetrating; cutting; sharp; severe
Pride: An unduly high opinion of one’s self; haughtiness; arrogance
God’s Word pierces the darkness of sin, bondage, sickness, diseases, and flesh/pride.
God loves us so much and He continues to look for the very image of His Son, Jesus Christ in us. Our Father is always looking for the character of Jesus and we are also to look for His image in each other. The Refiner looks for His own image in the pure gold! God’s written Word is His voice and His audible voice lines up with His written Word.
As we are growing up and maturing in Christ, He is faithful to care for us and protect and lead us in the way of love, truth, and righteousness. In God’s Holy Word, He said in Proverbs 3:12, “for whom the Lord loves He corrects.”
We handle the Word well when His Word pierces others, but how do we handle His Word when it pierces our flesh or pride?
When the “pride of flesh” is pierced by God’s Word to bring the works of the flesh to be crucified, we do one of two things: (1) we listen to what God is saying by repenting and obeying; or (2) we get offended because our pride and flesh have been touched.
Do you think that some get offended because the Word of God is convicting them of something that is out of order in their lives?
Second Thessalonians 2:10 “. . . and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.”
We must remember it is His love that corrects, instructs, and brings balance into our lives. The image of His Son, Jesus Christ, keeps us on the narrow path.
According to Matthew 24:11-13, the Lord Jesus has warned us that the love of many will grow cold (lack of love for truth). Some would be deceived, turning from His truth and going after the things that please the flesh (their own agenda), misusing His Name and His Word to control others.
We, as believers, followers, and true disciples are not to be afraid of truth, but welcome it and allow it to do its great work in and through us (spirit, soul, and body).
I asked Jesus a long time ago, “Why are some of Your people so offended by Your Word?” He answered, “When a person is not living in that part of My light, they are in disobedience and My Word (My Light) shines on that darkness and brings conviction. It pierces the works of flesh, sin, and pride (which will always oppose Me). God is no respecter of persons –the Word is for all! God knows everything that is going on in our heads and lives better than we know ourselves. Many are being deceived by the enemy who is trying to lift up their flesh/pride. Our Lord Jesus loves us too much to let us stay in that state.
Spiritual people who have a strong relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ will always judge themselves when the Word is given and seek the Holy Spirit to bring the correction. They will not go to others to get their opinion or argue with them and gossip about the one God used to bring His Word forth. A true spiritual person will go for truth and not to someone else for him/her to take sides.
The Lord is calling His body to grow up in all things! When we are living in His truth and His way and when the Word of correction comes, it won’t pierce us because we are living God’s truth and can rejoice in it. I am writing this to share with you.
I was asked to do a teaching on communion and then serve communion to members of the body of Christ. God called me up into the third heaven, “and there is no other way to get there except to be called.” It must be His will--not as some false teachers have been teaching--up, up, and away. This does not line up with His Word. He calls, not you. When God has called me up it has been to give me His direction and tell me what I am to say or do. It is not that I am more special; it goes with the calling and position that God chooses for His purpose.
For over 35 years, God has spoken to me in Heaven or appeared to me at home and in prayer. He told me to tell His people (His body) this: “I am calling balance—things are out of order and have gone into sin.”
I am writing to you what the Lord Jesus has told me to say to His people over the years and for them to keep in their remembrance. When God speaks, the Word is always for me first.
The Lord Jesus has continued to have me speak these things as a reminder to those He loves and to those who love Him and keep His commandments. John 14:21 says “He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.”
Here are some of the things I said that night. (I have been saying them as the Holy Spirit leads for 35 plus years.)
1.My people love to worship, but I look for people who worship with love.
People can get caught up in music (emotions) and lose their focus and get caught up in the flesh. We have at one time or another experienced this.
God’s people love to sing and dance and we are to do this in honor and worship to God;
Be honest with yourself.
Isaiah 29:13—The Lord said, “Inasmuch as these people draw near with their mouths and honor Me with their lips, but have removed their hearts far from Me, and their fear toward Me is taught by the commandment of men.”
2.God said, “My people have put ministry above Me; they have made ministry their god.”
Tell them to bring it down; they worship it; they have made it an idol.
It’s not all about their ministry. It is the Lord Jesus Christ’s ministry and we all are co-laborers with Him. (1 Cor. 3:9).
I understand; we say our ministry as to what God has called us to “labor in”; however, God says that we must keep it in its proper place.
As someone said to me, “My relationship is greater than anyone else’s.” Another said at one time to another person “as prophecy”, “God loves you more than all the rest of His people.” This is a lie—God loves us all the same; some may please Him more. His Word said, “He loves us the same as He loves Jesus.” If God was going to love one more than all the others, I believe it would be Jesus Christ.
So, if some of these things offend you, just maybe you have raised it or yourself up too high. Maybe you have done this not knowing what was happening. God loves you and is warning you. We are in danger. God knows us better than we know ourselves and what is going on with us and in us. Be honest with yourself as God speaks. Don’t listen to the voice of flesh or others’ voices.
God said, “Some have traded the power of love for the love of power!”
The love of power brings destruction.
Some people want titles—thinking it gives them power over others or makes them more important than others.
They are after people to follow them, not for the people to follow My Son, Jesus Christ. To be led by them, misusing My Word and My Name! Mixed with, lies and false gifts. Using illegal authority and they will do anything to get it; wolves love the spotlight.
Matt. 10:13—a hireling
The power of love speaks truth to set people free “in right standing with God.”
The power of love keeps them balanced!
You have the Holy Spirit living inside of you and He will never lead you outside of God’s Word.
Holy Spirit will never lift up your flesh or pride. He only lifts up the Lord Jesus Christ and Him only!
Holy Spirit will encourage you in God’s Word (strengthening and empowering you to do His will).
John 16:13—The Spirit of truth has come, He will guide you into all truth
John 8:32—The truth will set you free and free indeed.
A sister in the Lord asked me a question, “Faith, there is another sister that has asked me to give her my opinion on something she had done and it is not good at all. I don’t know what to do. I asked her, “Do you love her? She replied, “Yes, I do.” I said, “Then tell her the truth in love, but always the truth. You may lose her friendship but you have been faithful to God, and remember the truth will set her free. She will be free and when she is free—your sister and friend will return and thank you—that is what being free does.
The enemy knows he can’t take Christ out of you so he will try to stop you from living and being a true doer of God’s Word by drawing you away a little at a time.
Holy Spirit does not gossip!
The flesh really does not like this one; however, it is needed.
Prayer in groups—Holy Spirit told me to share this. For example,
A person brings Sister So-and So’s name up for prayer then proceeds to tell all the circumstances that are involved in her life.
She is a Christian, her husband is not. He is running around, he drinks a lot. He stays out late, etc.
The one giving the prayer request says, “I wanted you to know this so you would know how to pray.” Sounds good.
That’s gossip. We must learn to pray for one’s needs according to God’s Word. Praise first!
Pray in the Spirit or pray in English using only scriptures (for His Word will not return to Him void).
Pray for Sister So-and -So’s husband: salvation, healing, and deliverance
Pray for Sister So-and- So: her peace, protection, and comfort of Holy Ghost.
Then praise the Lord, His Word is at work. (All that was needed to say is Sister so- and -so’ name, her husband’s name, and the need for salvation, not the details).
When done the other way (4b), everyone knows and people go out and talk (gossip) about it, and it gets around and back into his house. Pray God’s Word and pray in the Spirit for Holy Spirit intercede for that person according to the will of God!
When Holy Spirit reveals something to you, it is for you to pray and not run with all the details. If Holy Spirit tells you to ask others to pray, then give their names and the need only (salvation, etc.)
God’s people are to have integrity in all that they do.
Integrity: Soundness—honesty—sincerity
Some may ask you to trust them as a Christian, only to get their way and never intend to keep their
word to you.
We must understand that we are giving our word to others before God .
Be faithful to your word and do that which is right in the sight of our Lord Jesus.
Titus 1:10- 11—“For there are many disorderly and unruly men who are idle (vain, empty) and misleading talkers and self-deceivers and deceivers of others. This is true especially of those of the circumcision party. Their mouths must be stopped, for they are mentally distressing and subverting whole families by teaching what they ought not to teach, for the purpose of getting base advantage and disreputable gain.” (Amp.)
Matthew 12:36- 37—“But I tell you, on the day of judgment men will have to give, account for every idle (inoperative, nonworking) word they speak. For by your words you will be justified and acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned and sentenced.” (Amp.)
Psalm 111:10—“The reverent fear and worship of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom and skill the preceding and the first essential, the prerequisite and the alphabet; a good understanding, wisdom and meaning have all those who do the will of the Lord. Their praise of Him endures forever.” (Amp.)
Don’t be a hypocrite in our preaching and teaching.
Preaching one thing and living another way;
Does this statement upset you?
Ministers in ministries are being revealed (having sexual sins, etc.)
Acts 7:54-60--The ones who stoned Stephen were mad and offended because the truth cut them to their “heart”.
After the meeting, there were people who came to me and thanked me for the Word of God that was given, and shared their hearts with me. Some days later, I was told that some was very upset with me over what I said. I got in touch with one of the person, who keeps avoiding me. The person was very offended with me. I asked, “What offended you?” the person babbled on and on, but never answered what offended him/her. The person talked like a baby babbling and made no sense at all—jumping from one thing and then to another, yet never answered my question. I told the person he/she should ask God why the Word offended him/her. I asked the person to forgive me if I had done something in the natural, but the person gave no response.
As for the Word of God, I give it and let go of it. What God has spoken to me, I give and I leave it. I am to deliver it. It then belongs to the hearer. Those who have ears let them hear. I will not compromise! 4
The individual had gone from one person to another to tell of the offense. God’s Word said, “If you have been offended or have offended someone to go to that person and get it straight. When will we obey God’s Word and do it the right way? We are not to be hearers only, but doers of His Word—giving the devil no place. Time to walk and live the talk.
This is why there is so much strife in the body of Christ. Some 35 plus years ago, the Lord Jesus said to me “Faith, be honest with yourself and where you are at, and not where you think you are at.” Pride and flesh will lie to you.
I have learned and recognize that when His Word pierces my heart and my flesh, I need to repent and turn to go in a new direction—the right way. God knows us better than we know ourselves. If we don’t want God’s correction and direction, then we will be deceived and go into more deception.
Don’t use the excuse of, “well, it was the Lord, but it’s the person who gave it.” It is not our choice who God uses, it is God’s choice. He is in control. He loves those whom He corrects. “Correction brings new (right) direction! “
Before you cast a stone on someone like they did to Stephen, pause and think does the stone belong to me? Why am I throwing the stone? Why did the Word pierce me like that? Did my flesh react? Holy Spirit, show me help me.
Let us not run from the truth, but always run to truth. We, as His body, are not to be afraid of truth. Our flesh does not like it and the devil does not like it. Your spirit man is the one in control, ruling and reigning, and we all know it is the truth that sets us free and free indeed.
Stay faithful to the truth and welcome it! To walk in love is to walk in truth. Truth received brings freedom. Freedom brings peace, and peace brings rest. This is what I call spiritual security.
The call of God is to be doers of His Word. Be open to receive encouragement. Get instruction, correction, and direction for His purpose, His honor, and our future in Christ as the sons of God. We are all called to fulfill His Word!
God, our Father, Jesus Christ, and Holy Ghost love us too much to let us do it wrong, and we love them so much that our desire is to please them!
REMEMBER: (1) Listen and then talk to God about it first. (2) If you have to, go to the person and talk to him/her. Don’t let the enemy deceive you into gossiping. (3) Forgive one another as God has forgiven you. When a person is offended because of truth, it is because that person is the one who needed truth for himself/herself. Our Lord Jesus loves us so much. Psalm 139:23, 24—Search me (thoroughly) O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there is any wicked or hurtful way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Heart felted. True revival begins in the heart.
Love to all and God’s blessings!
In His Name,
Pastor Faith M. Carroll P.O. Box 143 East New Market, MD 21631