Pastor Faith Carroll's Biography
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Pastor Faith Carroll has been obedience in serving the Lord Jesus for over 33 years. Ordained through four different ministries, however, she always teaches that true credentials are in and through the manifesting of the “Fruit of the Spirit.” She says her title is, I am the, whosoever, who does whatsoever pleases our Father! She is about her Father’s business. The ministry started out by preaching in her own town and then into other states, then into missionary work in other countries.

Born in Cambridge, Maryland, she received Jesus at the age of 8 years old. And today is very fresh in her heart and mind. She learned then how much Jesus loves her from her Grandmother, Susan Burton and Sunday school teacher, Mrs. Helen Jones. Her number one song is “Yes, Jesus Love Me.”

At the age of 9 she went swimming with family when she fell in a big hole and no one saw her at the time. When a big bright light surrounded her and began to push her upward. She looked down and saw a very little sea shell in the golden sand. (The water there was very dark and the bottom was muddy.) When a man, Eddy Moore saw her hair on the top of the water and pulled her up. This was her second experience with God.

At the age of 34 she was called up into Heaven, where she stood before God, as He spoke to and imparted (poured) His Light into her. The Lord captured her heart and filled her with Holy Spirit. A few months later she was taken up again and was with Jesus Christ and Jesus, commission her as to what to do. She has been called up many more times over the years, at the will of God, for instruction.

A world-wide minister, who has traveled and ministered to people in over 14 different countries. Faith & compassion Fellowship started in 2001. Faith graduates from Gary whetstone worldwide Ministeries School of Biblical Studies. In 2004 she started Faith & Compassion School of Biblical Studies(Branch School under Gary Whetstone Worldwide Ministeries), instructing, equipping and coaching those who desire to learn and draw closer to our Lord and Savior. Training the five -fold ministry to conduct themselves properly with one another in ministry. Learning not to usurp authority, that has not been give. And that the five- fold ministry is under the Saints to train and equip them for the work of the ministry.

Her works of faith include street witnessing, visiting the sick, and shut-ins, hospitals and nursing homes. She has been a Sunday school teacher and youth leader she has taught and preached in homes (under the blessing of her pastor in the past), churches, prisons and orphanages in many countries. Has, been on radio and television, training and equipping the Body of Christ to do the work of His Ministry.

Faith and Compassion ministries purpose is to exalt our Father God, our Lord Jesus Christ, and precious Holy Ghost in His people. With a burning desire to, “Reach the Lost at Any cost.” To bring unity within leadership that will result in holy harmony with the saints of God. To love one another, as, He commanded.
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Where Faith works through Love